Thursday, July 11, 2019

Anton – 6-8 month old male Spanish Mastin

Stunning Anton is a handsome Spanish Mastin pup with a long, soft, golden coat. He was found abandoned in June 2019, he was exhausted and very skinny. He’s gaining weight quickly but still has some catching up to do to get to his full size. He will be a gentle giant with a loving temperament when fully grown. Not tested with cats or small children.

His Best Points: Despite being an active, playful pup, he’s not nervous or boisterous but confident. He loves exploring around and going for walks, but he can calm down easily. He’s extremely affectionate; he can never get enough cuddles.

He’s not shy or fearful at all, he approaches every single person to say “hi” and ask for a head rub. He’s very sociable with all dogs, he just wants to make friends and play all day long. He’s absolutely lovely.

Current location is in Spain can travel to the UK once he has a home to go to.

Adoption Fee : £425 – to be paid direct to the Spanish rescue to cover travel costs via UK bank account.

from Dogs for Adoption & Rescue –

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