All “back on the farm” today, having fun with my camera this weekend:
Maggie and I spent Thursday and Friday in heaven, learning learning learning, at a sheepdog clinic put on by one of my favorite sheepdog instructors, Scott Glen. I didn’t take many photographs but got lucky with this “money shot” of friend Donna’s four-year old dog, Davy. It’s the shot all of us want of our dogs, and really, really hard to get. Right time, right place. Lucky! And lucky me and Maggie to have learned so much; we came home, both of us, grinning like fools.
My dear friend Meg is visiting this weekend, and her brilliant, artful photography has inspired me. That and a plethora of blooming flowers in the garden and the prairies. And I’m so happy to have bees in the garden again.
Last iris to bloom, and a surprise to boot. Didn’t think that patch was going to bloom at all.
This is why they call it Prairie Smoke.
It’s hard to get photos of Tootsie now, because she sleeps so much. Her heart murmur has gotten serious and she’s teetering on the edge of congestive heart disease. But she still can look like a puppy when she’s excited outside. Here she is illustrating proper spaniel behavior.
Meg was helping me get photos of Tootsie running outside, when Nellie decided to photo bomb the project. Did you catch the look on Tootsie fact? Any translations?
Photo bomb number two, illustrating the out-of-this-world ability of a cat to find the vector of your focus and get inside of it:
Here’s what I was going for:
I hope your week is also full of beauty, joy and laughter.
from The Other End of the Leash
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