Monday, June 24, 2019

Mandy – 3 month old female Labrador Cross

Mandy is a 3 month old female Labrador Cross. This lovely girl is meant to be a Spanish Water dog. She a curly coat, she looks very much like a Labrador too – Mandy is a totally gorgeous puppy she is in foster with many other dogs and so confident. I just loved her, somebody somewhere is going to be extremely lucky to have this lovely girl as their family. She needs the right home, she will be active, intelligent and need to go to people who are aware on how important training, socialisation etc in the early months are so important, preference will be given to people already with experienced of the gundog family. She is a confident well balanced young lady and deserves the best of homes.

Mandy is too young to be spayed so you will be expected to do this as part of the adoption agreement, she will be fully vaccinated, chipped, blood tested and have her own Pet Passport, please email for our questionnaire if you feel you could be the right home for Mandy.

from Dogs for Adoption & Rescue –

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