Saturday, June 15, 2019

Bruce – OK

Meet adoptable 8 month old deaf puppy Bruce who is looking for a loving forever home with someone who will continue his positive reinforcement training/socialization, become his new BFF and always keep him safe.

From his advocate: Bruce has been in foster for too long for such a good boy and he needs a forever home!

Bruce is deaf but you might not even notice at first. He is a sweet and lovable big bulldog mix about 8 months old. He is about 45 pounds now and doing pretty well on the housebreaking. He is good in his crate. He is very sweet with other dogs and loves the cats but sometimes a little too hard. He can be very animated for short periods of time but mostly he is very chill. In one of the pics he was taken to a child’s birthday where the birthday girl was asking for gifts for Pets & People for her birthday. You can see he is just flopped down in the middle of them, soaking up the attention and love! He manages his deafness very well. He watches the other dogs in the foster home for cues. We think with some patience he would learn hand signals very quickly!

His favorite time of day is breakfast. He gets so excited. He has been spending more time with the other dogs now that a couple got adopted. He gets pretty animated and runs around like crazy. I took a really cute picture of him napping yesterday. He is just so precious.

from Deaf Dogs Rock

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