Eeps, sorry, the week has gotten ahead of me. Let’s all blame “Daylight Saving Time“. I put it in quotes because its title is patently illogical–it’s not like we are actually getting more daylight. And besides, I dislike this silly time change twice a year, that has no purpose but to mess up our biological clocks. Humm, I detect I am sounding a bit grumpy.
Daylight Saving Time is, however, a convenient explanation of why I can’t write a decent post today, so there is that. I did have fun with some photos this weekend, so I thought I’d share those today. In the meantime, I’m working on posts about exercises for older dogs, whether bigger brains mean smarter dogs and what fear might smell like. Stay tuned.
First, some flower therapy. Outdoors it is all black, brown and grey, so I am especially grateful that some of the amaryllis I put outside last spring are blooming. No thanks to me; I forgot about them off and on all summer, put them in the dark way too late, and yet 4 of the 6 are blooming or about to. Sometimes you just get lucky.
I could get lost in this flower.
I mentioned the world is black and white outside. Is that what prompted me to play with these photos of Maggie and Polly and make them black and white? We call Polly The Ghost Kitty; this photo that Jim took explains why.
Argh, I blew the focus on this one of Maggie in the snow. See how it’s on her chest ruff and not her eyes? Darn. But I love the composition.
Last week I mentioned that we’ve seen little or no wildlife over the winter. And then our yard was befriended by a herd of deer for two days. The turkeys came immediately after:
And the turkeys came, and came and came. They are everywhere now, although I haven’t seen the males begin displaying as they do every spring. That should happen any day, because the Chickadees and the Cardinals are singing, which I would argue is the real beginning of spring. Wildlife is everywhere now; I just saw a coyote in a field nearby to the farm. Time for us to keep an eye out, our lambs are due in a couple of weeks.
Speaking of wildlife, here’s Nellie (the cat who isn’t allowed in the house because of my allergies) in what she would like to be her native habitat. She is showing off her skills as a predator. Willie and Maggie have apparently not informed her that they killed it already. Every night as a matter of fact.
MEANWHILE, back on the farm: Rain, lots of it. Then snow, about another two inches. Now sun today and predictions of more rain soon, along with more snow. Yeah, it’s March.
Here are Maggie and Willie charging down the hill on a cloudy Sunday morning. I don’t remember any dog I’ve ever had loving snow as much as Maggie. Willie loves playing chase with Maggie, and he couldn’t care less whether it’s snowing or not.
Hope you have a good week. While I’m busy working on topics for new blogs, don’t hesitate to vote for an issue you’d love to discuss. My ears are always open.
from The Other End of the Leash
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